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Bar Refaeli is the most beautiful and controversary Israeli topmodel. Her  perfect shapes and Egyptian queen look can leave anyone ...

Bar Refaeli is the most beautiful and controversary Israeli topmodel. Her perfect shapes and Egyptian queen look can leave anyone ... Bar Refaeli is
an occasional actress inspired and designed by Bar Refaeli

Bar Refaeli has an amazing face for photography
Bar Refaeli is currently single ( since leaving Leonardo di Caprio) -
    : bar refaeli is known for dating Leonardo di Caprio

Bar Refaeli Knows A LOT About Underwear
To connect with Bar Refaeli, sign up for Facebook today

 "I am shocked that among all these beautiful ladies, I'm No. 1," Bar says of her incumbency. "Thank you so much for voting for me!"

Bar Refaeli had hired bicycles with two female friends to do some sightseeing around Manhattan for Memorial Day.

Bar Refaeli and Irina Shayk argue about Cristiano Ronaldo's hair

Bar Refaeli tweeted some snaps of her supermodel girls night out along with Milla Jovovich on her profile yesterday, and they didn't look ...

Bar Refaeli on twitter

See pictures of Bar Refaeli wearing Long Straight Cut

Is Bar Refaeli dating Shaun White?

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