Rozhovor s Robertom Finkom o jeho knihe Repeating Ourselves: American Minimal Music as Cultural Practice, ktora prezentuje minimalizmus z pohladu kulturalnych studii, postmodernizmu, krickych teorii konzumerizmu a reklamy a presahuje ako formalisticky muzikologicky vyklad, tak aj kontrakulturnu pragmatiku samotnych minimalistickych skladatelov.
Advertising is a discourse and the French theorists, who I find very interesting, argue that consumption of goods is, in a way, a sort of discourse, like a language. We all understand that what car you drive tells people something about you and that you construct an identity for yourself out of an array of consumer goods. And one of the large theses of my book is that if there’s any contemporary art music that is actually dealing with this fundamental experience of the contemporary world, it’s minimalism.
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